Laurelwood Elegance Remodel

For this interior remodel project we wanted to bring out the classic lines of the home with an interior that is bright, open and elegant. Throughout the home the bright walls and large windows are grounded by rich wood and exquisite patterned tile floors. Bold ceiling treatments and classic wall and trim treatments add to the grand stateliness of the home, particularly in the formal living, dining, office, entry and hallways. For the kitchen area we introduced an element of cozy farmhouse, while maintaining the bright and luxurious fell of the home. The master bath is a particular statement room with a stunning shower and freestanding bath.

Elegant Details

Every detail matters in a Goffin Heritage Home, especially the subtle ones such as the elegant trim throughout the hallways.

Making a Statement

The combination of rich materials neatly combine an ultra-modern shower with an exquisite fee standing tub for a truly magnificant bathroom.

Bold Ceiling Treatments

For this kitchen we combined a bold beam pattern with beadboard and crown moulding to create a unique ceiling treament.

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