Live Beautifully

The collaboration between Erin Henricksen of Ainsley Elle & Pierce Interiors and Goffin Heritage Homes truly provides a full service experience. Erin works with the Goffin team and the client preparing samples and selection planning early on in the home design process. As the client finishes layout and the construction agreement is signed, we hold a transition meeting to ensure that interior design is an integral part of the entire home planning process. Erin begins the client selections stage with a design presentation that encapsulates colors & textiles that make the entire house cohesive. She continues to work with the client and the Goffin team to keep selections from the entire house in mind to avoid disconnect in any space. During the selection process Erin also begins furniture planning, whether it’s a few pieces or the house in its entirety. At project end Erin stages the home with the new furniture and decor that’s available for purchase.

  I believe in living beautifully within any budget.

Erin Henrickson

Our Interior Design Project Gallery